"What it means to be a civic artist"—grantLOVE and the LOVE Book in the Los Angeles Times
“Alexandra Grant’s new coffee table book examines what it means to be a civic artist” – the LOVE Book is featured in the Los Angeles Times by Deborah Vankin
“For a book about philanthropy, ‘LOVE’ is surprisingly vibrant and lighthearted. It has multiple inserts, including a comic by Grant, pull-out temporary tattoos, a sticker and even a cookie recipe.The book chronicles nearly every grantLOVE project, spanning prints, paintings, sculpture, textiles, jewelry, clothing and architectural endeavors, with partners such as the nonprofits Project Angel Food and Heart of Los Angeles. To date, the project has generated more than $300,000 for U.S. and international nonprofits. Which may not seem like an earthshaking sum of money over a decade and a half. But as author Roxane Gay points out in the book’s foreword, the project may be small, but ‘it is mighty, with incredible reach, a powerful mission, and a ferocious heart.’”
You can read the full article here.