About grantLOVE Project
About grantLOVE Project
grantLOVE is an art project started by Los Angeles-based artist Alexandra Grant in 2008 to help raise awareness and money for various arts nonprofits through the gift and sale of her LOVE artwork. Alexandra's LOVE symbol originated from a sculpture she exhibited in 2008 at Honor Fraser gallery, A Love That Should Have Lasted. She trademarked the LOVE symbol in 2012.
Through grantLOVE, Alexandra produces art, jewelry, apparel, home goods, limited edition prints, and neons based on her LOVE symbol in collaboration with other artists, printers, and fabricators. In its current incarnation, grantLOVE is an LLC owned by Alexandra. grantLOVE creates community and supports nonprofits, artists, and artist projects in two ways: 1) through the creation and donation of LOVE artworks and merchandise directly to nonprofits, fundraising auctions, and artists' organizations and projects, and 2) through the direct sales of LOVE artworks and merchandise on grantLOVE.com, which pays for materials and production costs and supports collaborating artists directly through stipends. In addition, grantLOVE works with businesses by offering a free license of the LOVE symbol to create LOVE branded items.
In addition, Alexandra personally donates to numerous nonprofits from royalties and other income she receives, after taxes, from her art. Recent beneficiary organizations that received donations, of artwork and/or funds, include: Orange County Museum of Art (OCMA); A Community of Friends (Los Angeles, CA); Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA - Los Angeles, CA); LOVE House (Los Angeles, CA); California College of the Arts (Oakland, CA); Venice Family Clinic (Venice, CA); Greater Venice Preschool Scholarship Trust (Venice, CA); Los Angeles Art Association (Los Angeles, CA); Project Angel Food (Los Angeles, CA); LAXART (Los Angeles, CA); X-TRA Contemporary Art Quarterly (Los Angeles, CA); 18th Street Art Center (Santa Monica, CA); L.A. Artist Resources (Los Angeles, CA); The Actors’ Gang Theater (Culver City, CA); Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts (Omaha, NE); Union for Contemporary Art (Omaha, NE); Epiphany Conservation Trust (Los Angeles, CA); Artadia (Brooklyn, NY); Orange County Museum of Art (Santa Ana, CA); and SAVVY Contemporary (Berlin, Germany). Since 2008, Alexandra has donated over $300,000 in artworks and funds to arts projects and nonprofits.
For questions/inquiries, or if you’re a nonprofit who would like to work with grantLOVE, please reach out to hello@grantlove.com.
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